Monday, September 04, 2006

I Bought

It was cold and wet and windy at Borough Market on Saturday with that grey half light of autumn - undeniably bleak. Seemed right that there are piles of pumpkins and marrows - the delicacy of summer is fast receding.

I bought two guinea fowl at Wyndham Poultry for dinner Tuesday when Marie is coming to visit - had them chopped into pieces so prep for dinner will be quick - £10

Last weeks steak from Ginger Pig was so good we splashed out on more this week - rib eye thick cut for Saturday night special, plus some minced pork, garlic toulouse sausages and half a dozen rashers of shortback bacon - £27

I went back later to the prepared food counter at Ginger Pig and bought a scotch egg the size of a cricket ball - £3

The lovely boyfriend wanted cheese sandwiches for lunches so we bought a big hunk of toma from the Italian cheese stall and once we had that the cute guy who runs it said you want to spend £10? He does good deals and has brilliant cheeses so I asked what he suggested and he added two discs of soft cheese - one sheep one goat and a chunk of something hard and pungent like Pecorino to grate into soup - and indeed £10 well spent

Baby plum tomatoes and a huge beefsteak tomato to grill with the steak - £4.10

Leeks, broccoli and green and yellow courgettes from the vegetable stall across from the pie stall - £2.40

The new season russets have arrived at the Kent apple stall - ooh look they're here I cried in delight and the woman next to me said I just thought exactly that! 5 of them were £1.10

By the time we got round to Booths it was pouring and practically dark even though it was 10 in the morning. There was a huddle of people looking not buying but out of the rain - one said it smells doesn't it? with a tone of awe. Supermarkets don't smell of anything, his companion replied and you can't touch anything. It's true - this is amazing. So - more converts me thinks. I bought fennel, beans, sugarsnaps, spring onions, red onions and shallot and then as we queued to pay I saw girolles from Scotland for £12 a kilo and decided that we'd go with the weather and have pasta with wild mushrooms for supper - £7.20

Fennel salami and mortadella with truffles - which the lovely boyfriend thinks looks like teddy bear faces like the worst of lunch counter meats but he's wrong - £4.20

Three green peppers and two aubergine from Tony - £1.70

Milk, cream and bread from Neals Yard - £9

The inevitable chocolate brownie - £1.50

£70.10 for the week

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