Friday, November 03, 2006

This Week

We lunched on sausage roll and scotch egg and then Saturday night we were out at the Tate sliding down Carsten Holler's slide before going for drinks with David. Don't know if it's art but it certainly is fun.

Sunday started gently with coffee and toast in the sun in the garden. Not hot but really pleasant till the neighbours started up the battle of the bands with Whitney belting out 'I will always love you' top volume to beat gospel from Mahalia Jackson and it was time for us to go out. Following what is becoming a habit we retreated to the Wheatsheaf for Sunday lunch. Word is spreading about how good it is - they were actually turning people away by about 2.30. Dinner was hot roast beef sandwiches - not hungry enough for more roast potatoes.

Monday - and all week again - cereals, yoghurt and coffee. Lunch was roast beef and potato salad and skinny crisp french beans till Wednesday then we were out again Monday night to see Kevin Spacey in Moon for the Misbegotten at the Old Vic - an excellent production but a little overwrought at the end.

Tuesday I'd been hankering for a little Chinese so we had Ma Po and sea spice aubergine and rice which serviced my desire - and the leftovers with roast beef next day for lunch was lovely

Wednesday was perfect penne with tomato, aubergine and mozzarella

Thursday we had leftover pasta for lunch and it was good cold as well as hot then Thursday night I had to finish making the choclate cake after I came in from French class so it was 9 pm when we sat down for sandwiches made with sesame flute from Paul with the last of the roast beef and some ripe, runny cheese and it was very good indeed

Friday lunch will have to be bought and there's fireworks on Clapham Common tonight - I love fireworks and all the attendant oohs and aaahs - and dinner might be pasta at home but only if we can't get into the Sea Cow for fish and chips

Had leftover veg this week with the leeks and broccoli and roasting potatoes not eaten but we may well have the leeks tonight, the potatoes should be okay and it's only the broccoli that will find its way into the bin

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