Friday, December 15, 2006

This Week

We had a sociable weekend starting with meeting up with Jaey and Marie to queue for the big slide at Tate Modern - and it was well worth the wait. Wildly exciting. Afterwards we had a fine lunch at The Anchor and Hope so dinner was simply a platter of bread and ham and cheese and olives - what my sweetheart calls a cold collation. One of his favourite kind of meals.

Sunday we had toast and coffee before going to a preview of Deja Vu - Denzel Washington is a very good actor but the premise for this film was flimsy beyond belief. We had pork pie and salad when we got home then David came for dinner to exchange holiday stories - his in Luxor and ours in Bali. After snacks and a glass of wine we had blanquette de veau with rice and brussel sprouts and carrots for a sumptuous meal followed by prunes and cream. Dessert brought back memories of growing up - my mother used to make dessert every night - proper ones like junkets and custards and sometimes prunes and cream. Thinking about it now I am impressed by how much effort she went to daily for us - she's a great cook and the source of my abiding fascination with good food.

Monday it was coffee and cereals and yoghurt as always, then cold poached chicken and rice and green beans for lunch and again each day till Thursday, and Monday night we had sausage and mash and peas for supper neatly using up the chicken I had frozen from last week, the potatoes we hadn't eaten and the leftover cream

Tuesday we were out at the Dana Centre to listen to an illustrated lecture about scientific existence in the Antarctic

Wednesday it was a wonderful bowl of grilled pork and noodle soup

Thursday my sweetheart had cold noodles with the last of the chicken and salad and I bought meatballs and lentils from Mario and Carol's stall in Whitecross Street and we were out for dinner with the lovely boyfriend's work colleagues where the food wasn't great but the company was charming so it was a good evening

Friday we will both buy lunch and dinner will be the delicate pleasure of a perfect carbonara

So we ate pretty much everything this week that we bought on the weekend - except the butternut from the week before last - but it will survive a while yet

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