Monday, January 29, 2007

And this week ... I bought

No trip to Borough Market this week - spent the weekend in south-west France consuming many things duck amidst the snow and very pleasurable it was too. Though I did bring a string of garlic and some haricot tarbais back, that's not really the basis for a week's worth of food. So this week will be about what can be rustled up, mostly from the freezer, a process that began with cheesy peas Sunday night, with leftovers for lunch Monday.
Monday we were out to see Man of Mode at the National so Tuesday lunches were bought. Supper that night was an experiment - spiced black eyed beans - which was nice enough but needed more to go with it but was, nonetheless a good lunch cold on Wednesday.
Wednesday evening was time for Chinese with home cooked belly pork, peppers with black beans upon mounds of basmati rice - there was belly pork in the freezer from a few weeks ago and peppers came from the supermarket. Leftovers made for a fine lunch Thursday
Thursday night I was out, my sweetheart bought takeaway and we both bought lunch Friday. Supper will again come from the freezer, this time a tub of blanqutte de veau that we'll eat with rice

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