Monday, February 18, 2008

And this week ... I bought

We arrived at Borough in good time on Saturday rugged up like the michelin man - if it's cold enough outside for frost then you can be guaranteed that inside the market it will be close to bitter. All the stallholders were well insulated with a variety of woolly hats and fingerless gloves which added a kind of gaiety all around. Though it didn't feel busy I seemed to have to queue nearly everywhere I shopped so I guess it must have been.

Started at Ginger Pig with the need for nothing more than some smoked oyster bacon for a charcuterie loaf for lunches - £3 is probably the least I have ever spent. Am on a bit of a mission to clear some space in the freezer.

Went to Furness for some sea bream made slashes in the sides, stuffed them with rosemary then chargrilled them Saturday night - as our fish of the week - £7

Then to Wild Beef for some eggs and a couple of packs of coarse ground beef for the freezer because though I am trying to make a space in there I still want it to be the source of good things and I'd used the last of the mince in spaghetti bolognese Friday night - £9.50

Went to the Gastronomica shop for a packet of pasta shells thought I needed some to make my mushroom and spinach bake but had enough in the cupboard so they will do another time - as the stalls don't sell it - £1.20

Fancied some cheese - asked Gianni for whatever was amazing this week - and ended up with a soft sheeps cheese snacks, a hard sheeps cheese for my pasta bake and a little goats cheese yet to be consumed - great combo for £10

Then went to the other Gastronomica stall to buy a heel of parma ham - more for my charcuterie - £5

Brindisa for some spicy chorizo - one in the charcuterie loaf and the rest split into pairs for the freezer and then couldn't resist a small tub of pancetta which in the end went in to the freezer as well (so much for making space in the freezer) - £9.80

Booths for veg - potatoes, carrots, swede, turnip, celeriac, brussel sprouts with roast lamb Sunday night, mushrooms pasta bake, lettuce salad Thursday, bananas, sugarsnap peas lunches and a big red pepper still there - £11.90

On the way past could not resist a tub of smoked salmon - for supper Tuesday night - £5

Went to Tony's for some spinach - pasta bake Wednesday night - then couldn't resist a huge bunch of parsley half in bean and celery salad and half still just about usable in the fridge -and a small head of chicory bought it with the idea of using it with the other half of the celeriac in a salad but haven't - £3

Neals Yard for milk, yoghurt, cream, bread and pasta - £12.80

A grand total of £78.20

This time last year we were mostly eating pork rissoles with apples and prunes - and loving it!

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